Gifting bags to NY’s homeless.

Gifts Given is a project centered around feeding and clothing the homeless of New York City. Beginning in November 2018, we set a goal to do just that.

For our first run, we purchased all of the necessary items out of pocket, filling 25 gift bags with sandwiches, drinks, snacks, sweatshirts and informational print outs that outlined food pantries and other resources throughout the city. We rode the train and walked the streets in search of those in need. After the success of the first run, we decided to keep the project going.

Creating our first GoFundMe allowed for more Gifts to be Given. With the help of donations, we have been able to hand out over 150 bags to the homeless of New York City since November 2018!

We would love to continue this project for many years to come and are asking for your help in keeping it alive. 100% of all donations go toward feeding/clothing those in need and we would like thank all of the donors who make this project possible. 

Help us give gifts to those in need!