November 10, 2018

Our first run was made during the winter of 2018 and was paid for entirely out-of-pocket. This run was a fantastic learning experience and a lot of fun. You can watch the video of the process here.


June 27, 2019

Our second run was held in the Summer of 2019. This run was the first of two runs funded by our initial GoFund Me campaign. We were able to provide the items shown below, along with a packed lunch, to each person gifted.

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November 16, 2019

Our third run was funded by a combination of donations from the initial GoFund Me campaign, Amazon Wish List donations and out-of-pocket cash from us. This run allowed for more items than ever before to be given to those in need! These bags were stuffed to capacity and those who received them were smiling ear to ear.

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 October 10, 2020

We gave out or 100th bag on this run thanks to a combination of GoFundMe and Amazon Wish List donations. This run was right before a very harsh winter and during the Covid 19 pandemic. We included face masks, hats gloves and multiple pairs of socks in these bags.

April 10, 2021

This run came together in two short weeks with the help of generous donations. We managed to fill the bags and hit the street with far less prep time than ever before. This made us realize that we have the potential to put together more impromptu runs in the future.

December 4, 2021

This run was held during one of the coldest months in the City. With the help of donations, we were able to include emergency blankets, body warmers, multiple pairs of socks and other cold weather necessities. As always, we included hand-packed lunches and brand new clothing items.